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Weight Loss


If you are overweight you have probably been called cruel names. Treated meanly. Perhaps you  feel ashamed of your weight. Most overweight people feel sad and hurt, but also angry and resentful . We all know the mechanics of losing weight- diet and exercise. But the mechanics is not enough. Mechanics by itself doesn't  work.
What does work?
What works is dealing with the unseen and hidden things. These are what cause the problems- poor self-esteem, uncomfortable emotions, isolation, problematic relationships... and more...
Bariatric surgery is a powerful tool that limits, through an implanted band or removal of part of your stomach, the amount of food people can eat. Therefore people can't eat as much as they did before surgery. If they stick to the food plan, they can lose a great deal of weight in a  relatively short amount of time.  And the surgery can save the lives of those with severe medical conditions linked to their weight.  But the surgery alone does not guarantee  weight loss. And it doesn't guarantee keeping off weight once it is lost. Again, those unseen issues- low self-esteem, hurtful or problematic relationships, difficulty with certain emotions, hiding the person inside...these and more cause the problems They interfere with reaching and maintaining the weight loss.
The key is to get help with these problems.You can feel better. Get the tools you need. Take action now!
                   Call Sandy Silbermann  301-588-6515
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