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Depression is a feeling that includes a variety of symptoms that range from crippling and severe to  tolerable and easily hidden.  Depression is linked to low self-esteem, isolation and lack of energy. People sometimes either sleep too much or can't sleep, eat too much or have no appetitie and have similar changes in their sexual habits. Depression is best treated with a combination of medication and psychotherapy. If you are depressed, you can change how you feel.


                                            Anxiety is also a feeling that can be more or less severe.  People  can feel anywhere from nervous, uncomfortable and restless to terrified and panicy. At times anxiety is caused by a circumstance or event. Othertimes it does not appear be caused by anything specific. Anxiety often accompanies depression and the treatments are similar;  medication and psychotherapy.




You can change how you feel. Get help. Get psychotherapy.  Get support,  help managing your  relationships better, help developing important coping skills. Feel  better about yourself!

Sandra L. Silbermann uses a combination of psychodynamic psychotherapy, self-psychology and strategic behavioral thera;y. Hypnotherapy is also used when appropriate.

Call 301-588-6515 to make an appointment or for more information.

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